SSC JE 2015 Exam result which was recently declared online has released an official notification wherein marks of all candidates, qualified or non-qualified have been released today i.e. on October 13, 2017. Uploading an official notification on the website of the Commission at, candidates who took the prestigious SSC JE 2015 Examination can check the individual scores obtained in each tier on the SSC website. The list of marks of qualified and non-qualified candidates is readily available online, candidates are iterated to check the official notification & its gist here. Read on to know more.
SSC JE 2015 Exam Marks of Qualified/Non-Qualified Candidates Released | Check Online Notification
SSC JE 2015 Examination final result of all the tiers has recently been declared by the Staff Selection Commission on its official website via release of a notification put up by the Commission itself. Shortlisting and selecting around 1500+ candidates via a rigorous process of holding SSC JE 2015 Exam Tier I as a preliminary test to shortlist aspirants for the Tier 2 followed by document verification and interview round. The declaration of marks of candidates is considered as the last step at the end of conducting authorities to issue transparency in the evaluation system followed by the SSC.
This is done to mark all its recruitment tests via release of an official notification declaring marks of ALL the candidates including qualified and non qualified. The aspirants who took the SSC Junior Engineer Exam in 2015 for various for various disciplines like Civil, Mechanical, Electrical and Quantity Survey & Contract for the vacancies introduced in various departments for the year 2015 are notified to check the same online.
SSC JE 2015 Exam Final Result | Here’s How To Check Marks Of Candidates Online
Checking the marks of the qualified and non qualified candidates online is an easy 5 step guide procedure. Visit the official SSC website mentioned above and click on the ‘Results’ section on the top of the SSC home page online. A drop box of various SSC recruitment tests shall become visible on the screen. Click on the SSC JE exam of the year 2015 and candidates shall find a notification along with the write up by clicking on which a pdf document shall open up. Candidates are requested to check their marks against their respective roll numbers as the list has been made in sequential roll number wise fashion.
Candidates who appeared for the SSC JE 2015 examination can check their order of preference selected against the individual scores obtained in the Junior engineer recruitment test conducted by SSC in 2015. In case of similar names, candidates can check the DOB mentioned to confirm their identity in the list and then check the scores obtained by them in the SSC JE 2015 Examination.
Candidates can click on the link below to directly check the list of marks uploaded by the SSC for JE 2015 exam.
Source : SSC