SSC JE Exam 2017, Final Option Form Out on Staff Selection Commission Website

SSC JE Exam 2017: Staff Selection Commission has released the Final Option Form for the SSC JE (Junior Engineer) Examination 2017. The detailed option form for the post of JE in the Electrical, Civil, Mechanical and Quantity Surveying & Contract is now available on the official website of Staff Selection Commission. Candidates who have cleared the SSC JE Exam 2017 can check the SSC JE Option Form on the official Website.

SSC JE Exam 2017 Final Option Form Out

The Final Option Form for the SSC JE Exam 2017 is now available on the website of SSC. Candidates will have to fill the details in the form and indicate their options. There are different codes provided for the name of the post. The candidates who have cleared the SSC JE Exam can check the form on the website of SSC.

The candidates will be considered for only those post for which they are eligible. For the Post of JE (Civil), in Central Water Commission, the code is A, For the JE (Civil) in CPWD, the code is C, For JE (Civil), in MES, the code is F, For JE (Electrical & Mechanical) in MES, the code is G, For JE (Mechanical) in M/O Defence, the code is Q.

For the post of JE (Electrical) in M/O Defence, the code is R, For the JE (Civil) in NTRO, the code is S, For JE (Electrical) in NTRO, the code is T and for the post of JE (Mechanical) in NTRO, the code is U. Candidates will have to fill these codes preference wise in the boxes available in the SSC JE final option form. The options will be final and there will be no change in the order of preference of the options. For more details check the Final Option Form on the official website of Staff Selection Form.

SSC JE Exam 2017

Staff Selection Commission declared the result of the Paper 2 of the SSC JE Exam 2017 on 22nd June 2018. The result of the Paper 1 was declared on April 13th. For the Paper 2 of the SSC JE exam, 5800 candidates were qualified. The SSC JE Exam 2017 Paper 2 was conducted on April 29th.

SSC JE 2017 Exam Final Option Form



A believer in 'less talk and more work', Sushant is a geek and gadget freak. A content analyst, strategist, graphic designer and a blogger. To follow his posts and stay updated, you can reach him at
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