Tata Sky- the famous DTH Service provider in India has jumped into the Broadband and fixed line services. This move just comes after when the Reliance Jio started the registration process for the Jio GigaFiber. As of now, Tata Sky has launched its broadband services in the 12 cities. And it is expected that soon, it will be available in more cities. Well, users of Mumbai, Thane, Ghaziabad, Gurgaon, Delhi, Bhopal, Chennai, Pune, Noida, Ahmedabad Bengaluru and Mira Bhyandar will be able to use the Tata Sky Broadband.
Tata Sky Broadband Plans
Tata Sky has launched total 7 plans for its users in the selected cities. Out of these 7 broadband plans of Tata Sky, 6 plans are unlimited plans with different speed while the two plans come with monthly data usage limit. The plans are available for 1 month, 3 months, 5 months, 9 months and 12 months. Tata Sky is also offering free extra months if the users will select a pack of 5 months or more.
Tata Sky Broadband Plan 999 Details
In this broadband plan of Tata Sky, users will have to pay Rs.999 for the plan and Rs.1200 as installation charges. The Wifi router is free. In this plan, customers will get unlimited data at the speed of 5 Mbps. If buyers will choose 5 months pack, then there are no installation charges and users will also get free 1 month extra. For 9 months there are an additional 2 months and 3 months extra for 12 months plans package.
Tata Sky Broadband Plan 1150 Details
In this plan, users will have to pay Rs.1150 for one month. The plan offers unlimited data at the speed of 10 Mbps. For the 1 month and 3-month package, buyers will have to pay Rs.1200 installation charges while there are no such charges on the pack of 5 months, 9 months and 12 months. Additionally, the customers will also get 1 month extra, 2 months extra and 3 months extra on the 5, 9 and 12 months pack.
Tata Sky Broadband Plan 1500 Details
In this plan, users will have to pay Rs.1500 for one month. The plan offers unlimited data at the speed of 30 Mbps. For the 1 month and 3-month package, buyers will have to pay Rs.1200 installation charges while there are no such charges on the pack of 5 months, 9 months and 12 months. Additionally, the customers will also get 1 month extra, 2 months extra and 3 months extra on the 5, 9 and 12 months plans.
Tata Sky Broadband Plan 1800 Details
In this plan, users will have to pay Rs.1800 for one month. The plan offers unlimited data at the speed of 50 Mbps. For the 1 month and 3-month package, buyers will have to pay Rs.1200 installation charges while there are no such charges on the pack of 5 months, 9 months and 12 months. Additionally, the customers will also get 1 month extra, 2 months extra and 3 months extra on the 5, 9 and 12 months plans.
Tata Sky Broadband Plan 2500 Details
In this plan, users will have to pay Rs.2500 for one month. The plan offers unlimited data at the speed of 100 Mbps. For the 1 month and 3-month package, buyers will have to pay Rs.1200 installation charges while there are no such charges on the pack of 5 months, 9 months and 12 months. Additionally, the customers will also get 1 month extra, 2 months extra and 3 months extra on the 5, 9 and 12 months plans.
Tata Sky Broadband Plan 999 & 1250 (Monthly Data Packs)
There are two broadband plans Tata Sky that offers monthly data usage. The data usage in these plans is not unlimited. the plan 999 offers 60GB data while the 1250 pack offers 125GB data. Buyers will have to pay Rs.1200 as installation charges if they choose the pack for 1 month or 3 months. There are no installation charges on 5 months, 9 months and 12 months.