UPSC CDS (I) 2017 exam final result has been declared on the official UPSC website at upsc.nic.in online. The UPSC Combined Defence Services Exam (I) held in the month of February 2017 this year has uploaded the final merit list of selected and qualified candidates online. Candidates who took the UPSC CDS (I) 2017 exam this year are notified to carefully go through the detailed online notification cum press release for the UPSC CDS (I) 2017 exam final result available online. The merit list of qualified candidates along with their names have been listed against the vacancies introduced by the Ministry of Defence is various forces of Indian sub-continent on the UPSC website now.
UPSC CDS (I) 2017 Exam Final Result Declared Online | Check Official Notification & Merit List Here
Releasing an online official notification for the recruitment in Indian armed forces carried out by the prestigious three division under the Ministry of Defence via the UPSC CDS (I) 2017 exam. The result of the same, UPSC CDS (I) 2017 examination is now available online. Candidates can check the merit list of selected candidates for the Armed forces via the UPSC CDS (I) 2017 exam i.e. the Combined Defence Services Exam conducted by the prestigious Union Public Service Commission twice a year. The result of the first exam held in Feb 2017 and post the same, SSB rounds conducted by the authorities has revealed the list uploaded online.
The final result of the UPSC CDS (I) 2017 exam has been formulated on the basis of these rounds only and not on the medical tests conducted on the candidates. The document verification of candidates who took the UPSC CDS (I) 2017 exam is still under the scrutiny of the authorities, hence the admissions announced is provisional in nature as of now.
UPSC CDS (I) 2017 Exam Result Out | 209 Candidates Qualified, Check Vacancy List Here
The total number of candidates who were declared qualified by the UPSC for the written test of CDS (I) 2017 exam in February were 6000+ candidates who took the SSB test. Finally, the divisions into three armed forces i.e. Indian Military Academy, Dehradun, Indian Naval Academy, Ezhimala, Kerela and the Air Force Academy, Hyderabad declared their individual vacancy lists which included, 150, 45 and 32 respectively. The candidates who have been listed in the merit list are 209 with 124 being selected by the IMA, 75 and 10 by others.
The aspirants of the UPSC CDS (I) 2017 exam who have now been selected by the UPSC for various divisions are notified to carefully go through the detailed notification online & notify the authorities in case of change of address or any other detail to their respective headquarters. The final result of the UPSC CDS (I) 2017 exam in the form of merit list is available online, though marks of candidates shall be released at the end of the entire selection process of the UPSC CDS (I) 2017 exam.
For detailed official notification of the UPSC CDS (I) 2017 exam final result, click below.
Source : UPSC