UPSC Recruitment 2018: The Union Public Service Commission has released an official notification on the website regarding the various posts and also invited applications from the candidates for the same. All candidates who are interested can check the details in the official notification and if they fulfill the eligibility criteria then they can apply online for the same. Here are the details of UPSC Recruitment 2018.
UPSC Recruitment 2018 – All Details
The process of filling and submitting the application form for the UPSC Recruitment 2018 has started online on the official website of Union Public Service Commission. The last date to fill the application form is 1st November 2018. The candidates are therefore advised not to wait for the last date and apply as soon as they can.
The last date to take the print out of the application form is 2nd November 2018. After these last date candidates won’t be able to fill the application form. The application submission link will be deactivated on 1st November 2018. Union Public Service Commission will select on the basis of recruitment test which is followed by the Interview.
The minimum marks required by the General Category candidates to appear in the interview is 50 marks, for OBC it is 45 marks and for SC/ST category candidates, the minimum marks are 40 marks. The total marks of the interview are 100. For the other details, candidates can go through the official notification.
The application fee for the Union Public Service Commission Recruitment 2018 application form is Rs 25. This fee is only for the candidates belonging to the General and OBC Category. The rest of the candidates including the female candidates are exempted from application fee payment.
As per the official notification of UPSC recruitment 2018 released by the Union Public Service Commission, there are total 81 vacancies for various posts. There are three vacancies for the post of Assistant Engineer, 7 seven vacancies for the Deputy Architect, one Principal Design Officer, One vacancy for Refrigeration Engineer, 1 for Deputy Director, 1 for Additional Director, 23 vacancies for the Deputy Director in Mines Safety and 44 vacancies for the post of Deputy Director. For other details and more information, candidates can check the official notification.
UPSC Recruitment 2018 Official Notification