After launching the 348 plan of Vodafone, Now Vodafone has a launched a mini plan called the Vodafone Chhota Champion Plan for the users of Vodafone. Vodafone has launched the Vodafone Chhota Champion plan with a price of Rs.38. The new small plan of Vodafone comes with free calls and internet. This Chhota Plan of Vodafone is specially designed for all those users who still need small and affordable monthly plans. Vodafone Chhota Champion Plan is an affordable data and call plan of Vodafone. Here are all details of Vodafone Chhota Recharge Plan.
Vodafone Chhota Champion Plan Details
Chhota Recharge Plan – the name used by Vodafone for small recharges and now the Chhota Champion Plan which is also similar to Vodafone Chhota Recharge but this time it comes with maximum benefits. Vodafone Chhota Champion Plan comes with 100 minutes free including local and STD calls. Apart from this, the company is also giving free 100MB 3G/4G data to all the customers who recharge with Chhota Champion Pack.
These benefits of Vodafone Chhota Champion pack may vary from circle to circle. In MP, Chattisgarh, Bihar, Jharkhand, AP and Telangana Vodafone Chhota Champion pack offers 100 free minutes and 200MB data. The data is 2G in these states. The validity of Vodafone Chhota Champion Plan is 28 days. Customers can get the Vodafone Chhota Champion Plan from any recharge shop or via USSD or via Vodafone website and My Vodafone app.
Vodafone Plan 348 – Best Monthly Plan
One of the best plans of Vodafone is 348 plan. Vodafone 348 plan is the recently revised plan of Vodafone. The 348 plan of Vodafone comes with 1.5GB data per day. Earlier in the Vodafone 348 plan, the company was giving 1GB data per day. Now the plan comes with 42GB data.
Calls on Vodafone 348 plans are totally free. Free calls in Vodafone includes all Local calls, All STD Calls and all roaming outgoing calls. The validity of the Vodafone 348 plan is 28 days. This plan of Vodafone is similar to Airtel 349 plan which also gives the same benefits. The plan also gives tough competition to Jio monthly plan. But in case of daily data usage, Vodafone and Airtel monthly plans are best.
Source – TT
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