Whatsapp has rolled out an amazing update.In its most recent update of WhatsApp, Whatsapp has updated a couple of its features. First, of all sharing of the file was restricted to PDFs, clients would now be able to share any document or file. Sharing of the file is constrained to 100MB as per WhatsApp’s site, yet there are reports that iPhone clients can send somewhat bigger documents. So from now, there is no need to worry if you are sending a large file or any other file type.
Furthermore, you’ll have the capacity to see the all of your photos and recordings in the in-application camera by swiping up and in case you’re sending heaps of photographs without a moment’s delay, they’ll now be gathered into gallery that displays five pictures with the last thumbnail showing what number of extra photographs have been sent. WhatsApp will likewise quit compressing photographs, enabling your unique quality to stay in place. Furthermore, you can now change the text style like bold, italic or underline. For this, you’ll simply need to tap and hold the content to choose it.
These progressions are the most recent changes to the application. A year ago, WhatsApp launched video calling and not long ago, two-stage confirmation/verification was taken off to the majority of its clients. The new update is taking off for Android and iOS now.
Latest Features in Whatsapp
1. Now you can send any file via Whatsapp
2. Now you can change the style text on WhatsApp(Bold, Italic or Underline).
3. The shared file now exceeds to 100MB.
4. New Design improvements for Voice and Video calling.
5. Now image size will remain same. Previously if you send a 1MB image, WhatsApp will automatically compress it. Now the image will remain same at sender’s end and recipient end.
In all over the world, Whatsapp is one of the largest messaging app and it has over a billion users globally. In India, there are more than 200 millions users.