Xiaomi is known for its range of its low price, high features smartphones in India. It launched the Xiaomi Mi Note 3 earlier in China in September 2017. The smartphone was launched in two variants. One variant was launched with 6GB RAM and 64GB storage and another with 6GB RAM and 128 GB storage. The smartphone was launched at a starting price of CNY 2499 (Rs,24,500 approx). Two months later, now Xiaomi has launched a new variant of Mi Note 3 in China. The new variant is launched with 4GB RAM and 64GB inbuilt storage at a price of CNY 1999 (Rs.19500 approx).
Xiaomi launched the low price Mi Note 3 variant to attract more buyers. Xiaomi is targeting those customers who don’t need 6GB RAM and are unwilling to pay more for it. Moreover, Xiaomi has also reduced the price of both the 6GB variants. The 64 GB storage variant is priced at CNY 2299 (Rs.22500 approx) and 128GB storage variant is priced at CNY 2699 (Rs.26400 approx).
Xiaomi Mi Note 3 Specifications
The Mi Note 3 is a dual sim smartphone that comes with a 5.5 inch full HD display. Powered by 2.2 GHz Snapdragon processor the smartphone is available in two 6GB and one 4GB RAM variants. The smartphone has a 12 Megapixel dual rear camera, one with a wide-angle lens and another with a telephoto lens. The Mi Note 3 also bears a 16-megapixel front camera for taking crystal clear selfies.
Xiaomi Mi Note 3 Connectivity Features
Other than the basic features the Mi Note 3 also comes with Al beautify feature, face recognition, and a four-sided curved body. The smartphone works on 4G LTE network and WiFi 802 connectivity. Other features in this Xiaomi phone includes Bluetooth 5.0, GPS connectivity and USB Type C port. The Xiaomi phone is powered by a 3500 mAh battery that weighs 163 grams.
Though the Mi Note 3 has not been launched in India, Xiaomi might launch it in India next year. The smartphone if launched in India, the 4GB variant will be priced around Rs.20000/-. As Indian customers buy Xiaomi phones for more features at a low price, it is unlikely to launch the 6GB variant in India.
Source: indiatoday.intoday.in
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