7th Pay Commission Might Be The Last Pay Commission in India | No 8th Pay Commission

After so many debates going on under the recommendation of 7th Pay commission, the government is planning to rule out the norm of framing any new pay commission for future. According to the verdicts of the government, it has been planning to frame out the alternative for raising the salaries of the central government employees in future as they are ruling out the formation of the 8th Pay commission.

Pay Commission is basically formed to revise the salaries and allowances of the central government employees and armed forces. The year 2017 has been a great year in which the 7th Pay Commission has marked some great changes in the allowances and salaries.

No 8th Pay Commission after 7th Pay Commission in Modi Sarkaar

As per this year verdicts by the Modi government, it has come to light that the Modi Sarkar is hunting for the alternatives of Pay Commission, As per the words floating around, there will be no 8th Pay commission next year.

Although there has been no official announcement regarding this news, still this possibility has been floating in the market since September 2017. According to the sources, the policy regarding this change will soon be released and the decision for the same will be stamped.

7th Pay Commission Recommendations this Year

Earlier this year, 7th Pay commission has made some periodical efforts and recommendations in improving the pay matrix and allowances for the central government employees and armed forces respectively.

Along with other recommendations and efforts, 7th Pay commission has also suggested that the use of the Aykroyd Formula to recommend the pay hike of the CG employees should be implemented.

It also comes to light that there have been some misleadings in 7th Pay commission about which the CG employees are upset and disappointed.

It may be the last time when the country will be seeing the Pay Commission. As per the sources, Modi Sarkar is continuously formulating an alternative for the Pay commission that would help revise the salaries and allowances for the government. So, let us see what is up in line in respect to these changes.

Sources – Odishatv 

Also, Check Out

7th Pay Commission 2017 | All Important Decisions Taken to Benefit 1 Crore Central Govt Employees and Pensioners


Vaishali Sonik

Vaishali.M.Sonik is a passionate writer, who loves to explore and create awareness among people around her. With the ulterior motto of spreading her words around the world to make a difference, Vaishali turned her entire career around from being a M.tech graduate to becoming a full-time writer. Believing in the major principles of hard work and growth, she is paving her path towards being known. Vaishali Sonik says that " There are loads of de-motivations but finding the one right motivation can help you achieve what you desire, It might delay but will never fade". You can reach Vaishali at hello@chandigarhmetro.com
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