As each part of India has been in the mood to celebrate Holi, Punjab is all set for the Hola Mohalla Festival 2018. Anandpur Sahib & Kiratpur Sahib have been decorated for the celebration of 6 days long Hola Mohalla fest to be started from 25th Feb 2018. Along with the colorful festival Holi, people from Sikh community will also come across the rituals of Hola Mohalla 2018 at Anandpur Sahi & Kiratpur Sahib.
Likewise every year, the 6 days long Hola Mohalla event in Punjab will bring along some historical as well as the traditional feel of the festival in the modern World. Not only from Punjab but the amazing Hola Mohalla event also cater footfall from in & around the state as well. Check out the details & highlights of Hola Mohalla festival 2018 below.
Details of Hola Mohalla 2018 Event @ Anandpur Sahib & Kiratpur Sahib
Huge number of devotees have been expected to be the part of Hola Mohalla festival 2018 at Kiratpur & Anandpur Sahib as its going to be much bigger than the previous years. The preparation for the same has been on full swings, even the place has been cleaned & residents have been asked to maintain the same till the fest.
Date: 25th Feb to 2nd March 2018
Days: 6 days
Venue: Kiratpur Sahib & Anandpur Sahib, Punjab
So if you are planning to celebrate the holi festival 2018 in a different or traditional manner, then come along with your friends or family & be the part of Sikh holi celebration called as Hola Mohalla. And gift yourself with one of the best Holi ever had.
Highlights from Hola Mohalla 2018 Fest in Punjab
6 days long celebration of Hola Mohalla 2018 will start with the recitation of Akhand path. And from 25th to 27th Feb 2018, it will be carried out in Kiratpur Sahib, whereas the last 3 days celebration of Hola Mohalla fest will be celebrated in Anandpur Sahib. Here’s what all have been planned for the Hola Mohalla celebration-
- Gatka/ Marshal arts of Punjab
- Langar
- Traditional & Cultural activities like music, dance, poems
- Horse riding by Nihangs
- Traditional weapon
- Religious Programs
Also the community kitchen has been set up for the devotees, where the langar will be prepared during the event. And the same will be served in the roads of these 2 towns. Although the actual happening of the Hola Mohalla 2018 will be enjoyed at the Anandpur Sahib only.
Plan your 3 days long weekend of Holi & enjoy the Hola Mohalla Festival 2018 at Anandpur Sahib & go deep along to the history of Sikh religion.