Country’s oldest communication service provider Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited (BSNL) in sync with the Digital India Programme initiated by India’s PM, introduced ultra-modern (100 G) Optical Transport Network (NG-OTN) in India. This network has been introduced by BSNL across India to provide Super Express Highways.
Indian state-owned telecommunications company BSNL introduced the 100G Optical Transport Network (NG-OTN) which is poised to provide lightning fast broadband facilities to 2 lakh 50 thousand village panchayats. BSNL is hopeful to provide the services by December 2018. BSNL’s NG-OTN will also cover 100 cities in India.
BSNL 100G Optical Transport Network (NG-OTN) launch
The launch of the 100G Optical Transport Network (NG-OTN) was initiated from Mumbai. BSNL was lauded for upgrading its network with state-of-the-art technology. BSNL’s effort to provide Ultra Fast Broadband services to the country which is based on ultra-modern technology was duly appreciated. It was revealed that till now more than 1 lakh villages have been covered with Optical Fiber Broadband connectivity and the government has set an aim to offer the broadband connectivity to approximately 2,49,997 village panchayats by Dec 2018.
Who will benefit from the New Network of BSNL?
Besides providing Super Express Highways, the newly-launched 100G-OTN service will also help service central projects like. These service central projects include State Wide Area Network (SWAN), BharatNet, National Knowledge Network (NKN) etc. The NG-OTN will cover 100 cities in India. This will be done with a capital expenditure of Rs 330 crore for the project. Out of the targeted 100 cities, infrastructure in 45 cities has already been set. The NG-OTN operations have also kick started from these cities. The remaining 55 cities are expected to become functional under NG-OTN by March 2018. The project also aims to supply a 99.99 per cent uptime. To accomplish this target and to provide round-the-clock support a Network Operating Centre (NOC) has been made operational at Bengaluru.
What else is on the cards?
In addition to providing Super Express Highways, the 100G service will enhance the service provider’s existing 10G capacity. The augmentation in the service from 10G to 100G would help the retail customer base of BSNL in landline. The Optical Fibre infrastructure would further facilitate Fiber to the home (FTTH) and the mobile services. This is not all, by providing ultra high capacity in lease lines the 100G service will boost Enterprise Business Segment. With a total customer base of approximately 115 million this ultra-modern NG-OTN service is indeed a step ahead to ensure customer happiness. The BSNL and Fiber Home association will offer numerous such projects to the country.
Source: NDTV Gadgets
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