Class 9 English Exam – Most Important Topics

English is one of the most important languages and also quite easy if you study regularly. With wondrous stories and poems, it can be a joy to study class 9 English Beehive. However, to make sure you score well in the exam, it is essential that you prioritize grammar. Just like it is vital to understand the concepts in mathematics to solve problems, it is essential to understand grammar thoroughly to frame proper English sentences and write well. Read ahead for all the tips for the class 9 English exam and understand all the important topics. 

Class 9 English Beehive Chapters 

  • Chapter 1 The Fun They Had
  • Chapter 1 The Road Not Taken [Poem]
  • Chapter 2 The Sound of Music
  • Chapter 2 Wind [Poem]
  • Chapter 3 The Little Girl
  • Chapter 3 Rain On The Roof [Poem]
  • Chapter 4 A Truly Beautiful Mind
  • Chapter 4 The Lake Isle Of Innisfree [Poem]
  • Chapter 5 The Snake and The Mirror
  • Chapter 5 A Legend Of The Northland [Poem]
  • Chapter 6 My Childhood
  • Chapter 6 No Men Are Foreign [Poem]
  • Chapter 7 Packing
  • Chapter 8 Reach for the Top
  • Chapter 8 On Killing A Tree [Poem]
  • Chapter 9 The Bond of Love
  • Chapter 9 The Snake Trying [Poem]
  • Chapter 10 Kathmandu
  • Chapter 10 A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal [Poem]
  • Chapter 11 If I Were You

In English, all the chapters are important, both poem and prose. When it comes to the poems, it is very crucial to understand what the poem is all about and what the poet is trying to communicate. Poems never have a literal meaning. Therefore, understanding the point of view of the author becomes essential. Now, let’s take a look at how to study for an English exam. 

Focus on Grammar First 

Grammar is exceptionally important for English. It helps students write answers in their own words perfectly. You will also be asked grammatical questions in the exam. 

Topics to learn: 

  • Modals
  • Comparison
  • Word forms
  • Correct Usage
  • Connectors
  • Avoiding Repetition
  • Figures of Speech
  • Types of sentences (Form)
  • Types of sentences (Meaning)
  • Active and Passive Voice
  • Nominalisation
  • Homophones and Homonyms
  • Prepositions
  • Parts of Speech
  • Synonyms and Antonyms
  • Subject-Verb Agreement
  • Synthesis of Sentences
  • Question Formation
  • Finite, Non-finite, Participles
  • Transformation of Sentences
  • Idioms and Phrases
  • Tenses
  • Relatives
  • Phrases and Clauses
  • Prefixes and Suffixes
  • Determiners
  •  Conditionals
  • Collocation
  • Direct and Indirect Speech

Learn The Stories 

English stories should be first understood and the same goes with the poems. Understanding them will help you write about them correctly. In English, memorizations don’t work. It is important to understand everything and pen them in your own words. 

Concentrate on Essays and Letter Writing 

When it comes to essays and letter writing, again, you cannot simply mug it up. You need to make sure that you know how to pen a good story. Start practising every week as this will improve your writing, and you will be able to score full marks in the essay segment. 

Important Questions 

  1. How was the book that Tommy found different from his own books?
  2. What kind of book did Tommy show to Margie?
  3. Tommy thought the old books were funny and a big waste. Why?
  4. How does Tommy describe the old kind of teachers?
  5. What was important for Evelyn? Where did she give free concerts?
  6. When was Evelyn’s deafness first seen? When was it verified?
  7. What was James Blade’s opinion about Evelyn Glennie?
  8. How did Evelyn hear music despite being deaf?
  9. Why did Kezia avoid her father?
  10. What gave a sense of relief to Kezia and why?
  11. Why did Kezia’s grandmother send her to the drawing-room every Sunday afternoon?
  12. Why did Einstein’s playmates call him ‘Brother Boring’?
  13. Why did Einstein hate school?
  14. What is Einstein’s Special Theory of Relativity?
  15. What was the doctor thinking while he was seated before the mirror?
  16. How did the doctor show presence of mind when he encountered the snake?
  17. What made the doctor utter ‘Death lurked four inches away’?
  18. How did Second World War give opportunity to Kalam to earn his first wages?
  19. What did Abdul Kalam’s family do during the annual Shri Sita Ram Kalayanam Ceremony?
  20. What was the difference in the attitude of the science teacher and his wife towards A.P.J. Abdul Kalam?
  21. The author had to find his toothbrush. What did he do to get it?
  22. Do you think the author packed better than George and Harris? Give reasons in support of your answer.
  23. Who was Montmorency? How did he contribute to the packing?
  24. Can Maria Sharapova be considered a patriot? Substantiate your answer with examples.
  25. What shows Santosh’s concern for the environment
  26. Identify any two instances from the story which show that the author and his wife treated Bruno as a family member.
  27. Animals too feel the pain of separation. Elucidate with reference to the story The Bond of Love.
  28. Where and what did the Tibetan immigrants in Nepal sell?
  29. Give a brief description of Kathmandu Bazaar.
  30. ‘I said it with bullets.’ What is the speaker’s reason for saying this?
  31. Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow.

She neither hears nor sees,

Rolled round in earth’s diurnal course

With rocks and stones and trees.

  • Name the poem. In whose memory, did the poet write this poem ?
  • Who is ‘she’ in the given lines ?
  • In which state, is ‘she’ in ?
  • Which word in the lines mean ‘during the day’ ?
  1.  Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow:

Every tinkle on the shingles

Has an echo in the heart;

And a thousand recollections

And a thousand dream fancies

Into busy being start,

Weave their air threads into woof,

As I listen to the patter

Of the rain upon the roof.

  • How does the poet describe the falling rain?
  • What does the mind of the poet fancy?
  • Who is the poet?
  • Trace a word from the extract that means ‘memories’.

Try answering these questions in your own words. English is a beautiful language as long as you understand it.


Ajay Deep

Ajay Deep is a young enthusiast who Loves Chandigarh and is always eager to make this beautiful city even more beautiful. A Mechanical Engineer By Chance and Working in an IT MNC by Choice. A Writer, Photographer and a Budding Entrepreneur. A Designer, Developer and Digital Marketing Expert. In brief : A Jack of All Trades and Master of Few :) You may reach Ajay Deep at
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