Diljit Dosanjh revealed the first poster of his upcoming Bollywood movie 2018 titled as Soorma on the life of former Indian Hockey Captain Sandeep Singh. Although earlier the new Bollywood movie of Diljit Dosanjh on Sandeep Singh’s life was named as Flicker Singh. Super Singh Sardar, Diljit Dosanjh has been trying hard to be in the shoe of Sandeep Singh for his biopic movie.
Earlier it was revealed the Diljit Dosanjh will be paired opposite to Taapsee Pannu for his upcoming movie in 2018. And after that, it came to notice that Udta Punjab actor will play the role of former Indian Hockey Captain Sandeep Singh in his biopic.
Diljit Dosanjh as Sandeep Singh (Former Hockey Captain) in Soorma
After the official announcement of the role, Diljit Dosanjh took over to his social media page & shared the journey of being Sandeep Singh. The new Bollywood movie of Diljit Dosanjh will showcase the life of former Indian Hockey Captain Sandeep Singh before & after the accident. After the intense look of Diljit & Sandeep half-half faces, the Punjabi singer-cum-actor dropped the first poster of his upcoming movie of 2018 Soorma.
And the first poster of Diljit’s 2018 Bollywood project Soorma reveals the extreme hard life of Sandeep Singh as a player & in a wheelchair. It describes the pain of a player when he/she is unable to be on the ground. With the first look, Diljit attracted all the eyes over him with that intense look of a player & a fighter. And even he resembles the legend of Indian Hockey, Sandeep Singh in Soorma’s movie poster.
And the release date of Diljit Dosanjh Upcoming movie Soorma is-
Diljit Dosanjh & Taapsee Pannu starrer new Bollywood movie 2018 revealing the life instance of Sandeep Singh in Soorma got a release date as well. With the first look of Soorma movie poster, Diljit Dosanjh also revealed the release date of his new Bollywood movie. Soorma movie based on the life of former Indian Hockey Captain Sandeep Singh will be releasing on 29th June 2018.
So, here’s the chance cheer up as Diljit Dosanjh is all set to charge you up with his next Bollywood movie in 2018 as a hockey player.
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