DTE Maharashtra To Revise MHT CET Syllabus As Per JEE & NEET Exams

MHT CET 2018 would be far difficult than what you have been preparing for. Revising the Syllabus for Maharashtra Common Entrance Test i.e. MHT CET for the year 2018, DTE Maharashtra has decided to upgrade the level of examination to bring MHT CET 2018 at par with what JEE and NEET exams are like. The national level competitive examinations like JEE for engineering entrance exams held annually to admit candidates into prestigious technical institutions of our country like IITs,  MHT CET level of examination lied nowhere close to these entrance exams.

About MHT CET Examination by DTE Maharashtra

MHT CET exam is conducted every year to admit aspiring candidates into the engineering and pharmacy colleges within the Maharashtra state. Scrapping the MHT CET exam initially with admissions solely done on the basis of JEE score, DTE Maharashtra revived the exam last year to restore the prestige of the exam. All set to amend its syllabus now to be built on the lines of that offered by the NCERT textbooks and the JEE syllabus to bring in uniformity in the exam, the board is working on the same. With more than 3 lac candidates aspiring for MHT CET every year, upgrading the syllabus for MHT CET 2018 is a great step towards student welfare.

MHT CET Exam Revised Syllabus, But Why?

Speculations made by authorities in revising the syllabus, the upgraded syllabus sure would make the pattern more competent and at par with their national level examinations.

  • MHT CET earlier conducted on the lines of HSC syllabus built by Maharashtra board
  • Bringing the syllabus of MHT CET 2018 at par with JEE would ensure uniformity and transparency in the system
  • Candidates would not have to go through different set of syllabus for different exams
  • Uniform and upgraded syllabus to increase the number of applicants this year
  • The new syllabus would make sure one-time preparation for all the exams at once, hence better understanding
  • Uniformity to reduce stress levels and anxiety among students to prepare for each exam the different way

Criticising the move students and parents feel that the decision is sudden and they have been preparing hard for the MHT CET 2018 exam all this while on old pattern. With no official confirmation received as to revised syllabus, the authorities are contacting AICTE to guide them through for the welfare of students preparing for MHT CET 2018.

Source: Aglasem

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Oberoi Aneesha

A visionary keen on writing her heart out and making content as true calling of her life; Meet Aneesha Oberoi, a Goal-oriented free spirited girl whose passion is to write and is an engineer by profession. You may reach her at hello@chandigarhmetro.com
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