Gippy Grewal although has debuted as an actor in Bollywood but now he is all set to wear a cap of director for a Bollywood movie. After Diljit Dosanjh, another superstar from Punjab industry Gippy Grewal has been heading towards Bollywood but as a director. Punjabi singer cum actor recently became the talk of the town with his recent release Carry on Jatta 2 that earned well at the box office.
Gippy Grewal’s Carry on Jatta 2 has broken records Box office in the Punjabi industry. Now it has been slated that the actor is all set to debut as a director in a Bollywood movie soon. Check out the details of Gippy Grewal’s Bollywood movie below.
Gippy Grewal to direct a Bollywood movie & here’s the details
As per the reports, Gippy Grewal in an interview has revealed that he has been signed as a director for a Hindi movie with a huge starcast. Gippy even stated that he got the offer after the makers watch his directorial Punjabi movie Ardaas. Gippy Grewal also said that he not only wanted to set himself as an actor or singer but also wanted to be in Production and more. The actor has acted in many Bollywood movies like- Second Hand Husband, Dharam Sanket Mein, Lucknow Central.
In the year 2006 singer turned actor, Gippy Grewal released a Punjabi movie under his direction. The same got huge love from the audience of Punjab and it became the Punjabi blockbuster of the year. Although the Bollywood project of Gippy Grewal as a director has not been revealed yet, soon the titled and release date will be out.
Know more about Gippy Grewal’s Upcoming movies 2018-19
As far as Gippy Grewal’s Punjabi movie has been concerned, he has many projects in his hands for the year 2018 as well as 2019. After the huge success of Carry on Jatta 2, Gippy Grewal has announced another sequel of his movie Manje Bistre to be released on April 2019. For the year 2018, Gippy Grewal will bring on Punjabi movies like- Mar gaye oye loko that will be released on 31st August 2018. Even it has been said that in Asees movie, the actor will be seen in a cameo role.
We wish all the luck to Gippy Grewal for all his upcoming Punjabi as well as Bollywood movies.