Haryana Increases DA For All its Government Employees

Haryana government is thriving best to work towards the development of the state as well as of its people.

That is why it has increased the Dearness Allowance (DA) of all the government employees across the state to 4%.

Increased DA by the Haryana Government

In a notification released by the Finance Department of the Haryana Government, it was declared that all the state government employees across Haryana who were earlier getting a DA of 2% will now get an increased DA of 4% i,e a hike of 2%.

From when will the increased DA by Haryana Government be implemented

The increased DA for the Haryana state government employees will be effective from January 1, 2017 and they will get the due DA in the form of arrears. The instalment of DA payable to the employees will be done in cash along with the salary for the month of April, which will be paid in May.

Well, in the hard hit life when all of us are struck between the tensions at the personal and at the professional front, Haryana government has given all its state government employees a reason to smile. A small hike in their DA will help the Haryana Govt. employees with the financial crisis to some extent.

Image Source = Indian Express

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Yamini S. Verma

A dreamer and a go-getter, this is how she defines herself. With seven- plus years of experience in Journalism, Yamini has worked with various publications in print and online. With an inclination towards photography, she dreams to go on around the world tour someday and capture the beauty of nature through her lens. You can write to her at hello@chandigarhmetro.com
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