BCCI announced Ravi Shastri as the new Indian Cricket Team coach. In the final lap, Ravi Shastri was able to touch the string in first place leaving behind Virender Sehwag who was earlier leading the race to become India’s next coach. Sources had revealed earlier that the former Indian Cricketer and former captain of the Indian Cricket Team Virender Sehwag was in the pole position to be next coach of the Indian Cricket team that doesn’t have a coach since ICC Champions Trophy.
It is worth mentioning here that Anil Kumble was the Coach of the team till ICC Champions Trophy and his contract came to an end after the conclusion of the ICC Champions Trophy. The Cricket Advisory Committee (CAC) is looking for a Coach for the team since then. After too much discussion over many names for Indian Cricket Team coach, BCCI declared Ravi Shastri for the same.
The selection panel & proposed names for the next coach
The three-member selection panel of BCCI comprises:
- God of cricket – Sachin Tendulkar.
- Bengal Tiger – Sourav Ganguly and
- VVS Laxman
The candidates who were interviewed by the BCCI panel for the position of Coach were:
- Ravi Shastri
- Virender Sehwag
- Richard Pybus
- Tom Moody
- Lalchand Rajput
It was reported that out of the five candidates interviewed by the panel, the Nawab of Najafgarh – Virender Sehwag, was able to impress the committee with his vision for the Indian Cricket team for the next two years, till 2019 World Cup. Sources reveal that the proposed tenure of the next coach will be till 2019 World Cup.
BCCI choose Ravi Shastri over Virender Sehwag
According to a report by NDTV, the 3 wise men were completely impressed with Viru’s (Virender Sehwag) vision for the Indian Cricket team till the 2019 World Cup. It was also reported that the proposed tenure of the next coach is going to be for the next two years. Before finalizing the person for the position of Coach in the team, the legendary troika wanted to discuss it with the current Indian skipper – Virat Kohli, who is believed to have a final say on the matter. It was also out in the public domain that Ravi Shastri is in good terms with the Indian skipper Virat Kohli, and that this is the only upper edge Ravi Shastri has over other contenders. Ravi Shastri’s rapport with Virat Kohli finally led him to outshine in the selection process to become the next coach of the Indian cricket team.
And Ravi Shastri: the new Indian Cricket Team Coach
The verdict may have left numerous cricket buffs in a stunning situation but yes, the verdict is finally out and Ravi Shastri has been given the charge of the Indian cricket team in the capacity of the coach. It was earlier reported that all the candidates made a good presentation but the three men who stood out of the rest were Ravi Shastri, Virender Sehwag and Tom Moody. Though after much consideration and keeping in mind the pros and cons, the CAC panel had judged Virender Sehwag as the most suitable candidate for the job but there has been no clarification on ‘How Ravi Shastri made to the position?’. According to sources, Virender Sehwag was not only able to impress the committee with his vision for the 2019 World Cup but also he was able to answer the tricky question asked by the panel. The panel had asked Virender Sehwag if he was clear that about the fact that cricket was a game where the captain held the fort and a coach’s job is to man the backroom. Furthermore, the panel had also asked him how he would handle the coach-captain scenario?
Virender Sehwag, the Nawab of Najafgarh had hit the iron while it was hot, but the efforts went futile as the iron was not able to take the expected shape. Well, Ravi Shastri’s appointment as head coach of the Indian Cricket team has left cricket fans in a state of shock but you can never stop politics and favoritism in any of the fields. Though Ravi Shastri has now officially taken over from former head coach Anil Kumble because of his ‘Being on good terms with captain Virat Kohli’, it is going to be a tough phase for Ravi Shastri to prove his selection worth! It was reported by Deccan Chronicle that Ravi Shastri is in good terms with not only the skipper but also with other cricketers because of his earlier stint as the Team India director from 2014 to 2016.
Image Source – Indian Express
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