Shimla has a new system to boast of in combating its water billing woes by the introduction of Automated Meter Reading systems. The initiative has a great scope of tackling the water billing issues that were a major cause of concern for the authorities.
Coming up with such great moves, the authorities took charge of the situation and proposed a plan to bring an end to the long lost issue that seemed never ending.
About Automated Meter Reading systems in Shimla
The introduction of metering systems in Shimla would take care of water woes in the town especially when it comes to generating bills for residential and commercial sectors. It is a task to be done. The automated system is soon going to replace the obsolete non-functional systems that are prevalent in Shimla since ages. Started under the governmental scheme of under Atal Mission Rejuvenation and Urban Transformation (AMRUT), the tech-savvy new systems soon are going to be all over the town.
Salient Features of the Automated Metering System in Shimla
The new system has been incorporated as a part of the initiative taken by the authorities to make Shimla smart. Here’s a list of all the salient features that it would bring after successful implementation and enforcement of the norm in Shimla.
- Tackling the issue of prevalent faulty billing systems
- Consumers to get bills on actual consumption of water
- Reduction in the monetary and water losses at the civic authority end
- Methodology of bill charging to remain same for both residential and commercial sectors
- Shimla MC soon to replace 29000 such connections of the town
- Out of 29000 targeted connections, 22000 are domestic and rest commercial
- Bill to be generated on a monthly basis
The upgradation of water metering systems in Shimla via incorporation of the Automated Metering system is a move that would ensure availability and efficient utilisation of our major resource “Water“. Soon to start within a matter of a week and reaching its completion time estimated to be as two months, the project is ready to take off soon.
As they say, “If there ever be a ‘THIRD WORLD WAR‘ it would be on water woes”, so before its too late, let us pledge to join our hands together against evil practices that are depleting our resource and the very source of survival. Automated Metering System being a step forward towards the cause, let us welcome the move with open arms for the benefit of one and all.
Image Source = Hill Post
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