Staff Selection Commission (SSC) has released the marks of the candidates who appeared and qualified the SSC JE examination of 2016 whose result is out in 2017 this year. SSC conducted the exam to recruit Junior Engineers in various government departments by conducting SSC JE exam last year. Declaring the results of SSC JE exam in 2017, the Commission has finally released marks of the qualifying candidates on its official website via a pdf format on ssc.nic.in. Candidates who qualified the SSC JE examination held in 2016 by the Commission now have their result cards and the marksheets which is easily accessible to all.
SSC JE Notification 2017
No sooner than the result of SSC JE 2016 were declared days ago, SSC did not take much time and most awaited marksheets of various candidates who qualified the SSC JE exam are out too. The result and marksheets are easily available online via the official website of the commission which can be accessed by clicking here at SSC.
Candidates can select their respective fields they appeared for and can check their marksheets under the sub-divided category as mentioned by the SSC. The SSC JE examination 2016 was conducted by the commission in the following mentioned streams, results of all of which are finally out in two sets.
- Civil
- Mechanical
- Electrical
- Quantity Surveyor and Contract
SSC JE 2016-17 : Know How to Check Marks
Easily available and accessible online, the marks of qualified candidates can be checked on the Commission’s Official website which is ssc.nic.in. The following simple steps can make the process easier for you to do further.
- Visit Commission’s official website at ssc.nic.in by clicking here
- Check for the latest updates that commission puts up in its homepage
- Click on the link displaying notification regarding SSC JE Result 2017
- A pdf format depicting the marks roll no. wise would be displayed
- The marks are available stream wise, check your streams first
- Candidates can take prints or screenshots or download the marks against their respective roll numbers
SSC conducts many examinations to hire and recruit graduate level professionals in various government departments while screening them on the basis of their knowledge acquired through various levels of the tests conducted by the authority to choose the right and deserving candidates.
Wishing all those who qualified the mains examination of SSC JE of 2016 result of whom has been declared on 2017, all the very best !!!
Source : SSC
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Image Source = Entrance Corner