University Grants Commission (UGC) has ordered all the affiliated colleges and Universities to refund admission fee to students who withdrew their names. HRD Minister Prakash Javedkar himself has announced the decision taken by UGC in regards to returning the admission to the students for session 2019 onwards. Even UGC will be announcing numerous changes for the benefit of the students from session 2019.
All the students aiming for the admission for higher studies in any of the UGC affiliated College or Universities will now get a refund if in case he/she withdrew their name. Check out more details regarding the (University Grants Commission) UGC amendments in the 2019 admission process below.
UGC Affiliate Colleges to Refund Admission Fee
UGC has warned its affiliated colleges and Universities to refund the admission fee amount to the students not willing to take admission in the College. According to the official notification of UGC for the year 2019, maximum of Rs. 5000 as processing fee from the students in case he/she withdrew his/ her name form the admission list form 2019 onwards. Till now, Colleges and Universities under University Grants Commission use to charge huge amount in the name of processing fee from the students.
UGC affiliated Colleges/ universities will now have to refund 90% fee paid by students in case he/ she withdrew his or her name before15 days of the admission date. Whereas those who will withdraw the name after 15 days of the last date of admission will get 80% of the refund. Lastly if one the name in between 16-30 days of admission, then only 50% of the fee will be refunded. In case if any of the college/ university refuse to follow the same then UGC will withdraw the affiliation and deemed status.
More Changes implemented by UGC from 2019
University Grants Commission in a statement has said that students use to face a lot of difficulties during the admission process and these changes have been amended to make it easier for students from 2019. UGC has even warned Colleges and Universities not to keep the original documents of the students for admission purpose 2019.
Students are requested to keep a regular tap on the official website for much more updates regarding the UGC 2019 admission.