Zakir Khan, the acclaimed comedian is coming to Chandigarh for yet another comedy show that is scheduled to be held in Tagore theatre in the month of February 2017. The event is a part of ‘Just comedy’ series. This is the second edition of Just comedy series and the name of the show has been kept as ‘Zakir Khan Live’.
Zakir Khan is coming to Chandigarh on this valentine’s week to tickle your laughter bone. In the series of North India’s comedy festival in India, Zakir Khan has topped the list and this show in Chandigarh is expected to go house-full.
Zakir Khan Comedy Show, Chandigarh
Date: 10th February 2017.
Day: Friday.
Time: 8 PM to 9:30 PM.
Venue: Tagore Theatre, Sector 18 B, Chandigarh.
About Zakir Khan
Zakir Khan is a well- known stand-up comedian in India, who gained popularity after winning Comedy Central in 2012. That one was one of India’s Best Stand- up Comedian competition. Zakir Khan has also produced some radio shows and done ghostwriting. NDTV has also applauded Zakir khan’s comedy style in NDTV Prime’s ‘The Rising Stars of Comedy’ television show.
Zakir has even written and co-hosted a news comedy show in 2015 titled as ‘On Air with AIB’ with Tanmay Bhat and Gurusimran Khamba. It was broadcasted on a national television channel Star World, India. He also co- hosted 5th Annual Golden Kela Awards with famous comedians like Vir Das, Papa CJ and more.
Highlights of Zakir Khan Live
After the huge success of the first edition with ‘Vir Das Unbelievable’ in Chandigarh, Just Comedy is all back with a bang in the city with ‘Zakir Khan Live’.
- An opportunity to see a live performance of Zakir Khan.
- Full-on laughter in the house.
- Get rid of your tensions.
- Some more colours of Zakir Khan.
It’s time to enjoy the laughter club in Chandigarh that will be headed by ‘Zakir Khan’ in Tagore Theatre. Make sure you don’t forget the date i.e 10th February, spend one day of valentine’s week by making your loved ones laugh like hell.