Nineteen Months back, 7th Pay Commission came up with the recommendation of increasing the minimum pay of the central government employees. As per the recommendation made by the seventh pay commission, the minimum pay of the CG employees will be increased from Rs. 18,000 to Rs. 21,000 and Fitment Factor will be raised from 2.67 to 3.00.
The matter of the minimum salary hike under 7th CPC has been dragged for quite long by the government. After manipulative words from one official to another, it seems like there will be no further hike in either the salaries of the employees or the pensions of the pensioners. Mr. Arun Jeitley, the Finance Minister of the country seems to be failing in keeping his promise of the minimum pay hike, he once made to the CG employees.
7th Pay Commission | End of All Hopes
7th Pay commission recommended the pay hike for all the employees working in multiple departments of central government. With the new year, the hopes of all the employees waiting for the salary hike has been put to the ground. With the new tantrums of the government, the anxiety of all the employees and pensioners have gone rogue. The shocking news of Mr. Arun Jaitley forming a new high-level committee has not lit up the ray of hope but have fueled the anger among the employees waiting for the CG employees.
Also, Check out How Mr. Arun Jaitley is Failing to keep his Promise to Employees?
Is Government Trying to Fool the employees?
With the new decision of framing a new high-level committee, there are many anxious unions who believe it as a stunt of the government to please the employees. We have no clue what will this high-level committee work on and we still are unaware of the fact behind its formation. All we know is that the Finance minister Arun Jaitley has announced its formation including secretaries of all the major Ministries of the country.
Let’s just stay a little patient and notice the moves of the government on the matter of minimum pay under 7th Pay commission. This matter of increasing the salaries has been dragged for quite some time now. Decreasing patience and depleting hopes has been the only result of this recommendation made by the 7th Pay commission.
Also, Check out Future Plans of Salary Revision for the Country.
Salary Revision Policy to Change after 7th Pay Commission | No 8th Pay Commission?