A flash mob was organized at Elante Mall in Cahndiagrh and it was a super success. While the flash mob was sponsored by Vodafone, it was able to attract a huge crowd. The entire mall enjoyed this awesome one of its kind english-hindi-punjabi songs flash mob.
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It took 6 weeks of planning to bring this flash mob concept into reality. That’s one and a half month. Apart from various front cameras, 6 hidden cameras were used to capture the dancers and the audience which enjoyed this event from the first, second and third floor of Elante mall. 8 choreographers trained over 200 people. But these 200 were selected after taking auditions of about 800 people.
After 12 hours of practice, this is what actually happened in the evening of the final day.
Flash Mob at Elante, Chandigarh
Click to play the video below and enjoy Elante flashmob!
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