India’s best dramebaaz 2018, aired on Zee TV has aired its grand finale and the winner of the season 3 of the show has been announced. After months-long journey 6 contestants reached the Grand Finale of India’s Best Dramebaaz Season 3. Finally, the winner name has been announced out of Top 6 finalists of India’s Best Dramebaaz 2018 in the Grand Finale episode.
From Day 1, participants have been showcasing their 100% on the stage of India’s Best Dramebaaz, but only the best of the show has reached the Grand Finale. Check out the winner’s name and grand finale happenings of India’s Best Dramebaaz 2018 below.
Zee India’s Best Dramebaaz Season 3 (2018): Here are the Top 6 Finalists
Zee India’s best Dramebaaz Season on the very last week only has revealed Top 6 finalist of the show. A total of 16 contestants, only 6 made it to the grand finale episode of the show for the year 2018. With the passing of time, talented contestants polished their talent according to the reviews of the judges in the show. Although Sonali Bendre left the show mid-way due to her health issue and Huma Qureshi grabbed the judges chair on India’s Best Dramebaaz 2018.
Here are the Top 6 Finalists of Zee India’s Best Dramebaaz Season 3- Inayat Verma, Dipali Borkar, Angelika Piplani, Shreesha, Anish Railkar and Harshraj Lucky. Now the 6 will fight for the ultimate title of India’s Best Dramebaaz 2018 in the grand finale episode.
Grand Finale Happenings & Winner of India’s Best Dramebaaz 2018
Although as per reports, the Grand finale episode of India’s Best Dramebaaz Season 3 has been shot and even the winner has been announced. Whereas the grand finale episode will be aired on Zee Tv this Sunday from 9 pm onwards. According to reports, Dipikar Borkar from Mumbai has lifted the trophy of India’s Best Dramebaaz 2018 after winning the show with her great performances. As of now no official announcement on the winner’s name has been made by Zee officials.
To find out the name of the winner and watch out the amazing performances of the finalists in the Grand Finale of India’s Best Dramebaaz Season 3, watch out the finale episode of the show on 7th October 2018 from 9 pm onwards only ZeeTv.