Chandigarh- Delhi Shatabadi train ticket price surges after the closing of Chandigarh International Airport. Its summer vacation & Chandigarh airport has been shut down. On the other hand, Chandigarh- Delhi Shatabadi fare has been hiked looking forward to the rush in the train. Its simple that all over in the journey the pocket will pinch the common people only.
Chandigarh-Delhi Shatabadi Express has been one of the fastest trains on the route & looking forward to the summer vacation rush, Indian Railways has increased the fare of the same. Check out the new ticket price of Chandigarh- Delhi Shatabadi Express below.
Here’s the new Price of tickets in Chandigarh- Delhi Shatabadi Train
It has been pocket pinching for all those planning for a vacation this summer or for those who use to travel to Delhi on a regular basis for official work. The price hike of the train has been due to the implementation of the dynamic pricing system. And as per the revised fare of Chandigarh- Delhi Shatabadi has been concerned, people have to pay as much as Rs. 300 + on the earlier price.
Earlier for a normal one-way travel, people have to shell out almost Rs. 600, but now the ticket price of the same has gone upto Rs. 915. Whereas in general, the price of the ticket for executive chair car was approx Rs 1000, but now it had gone to Rs. 1300.
Even there has been a price difference of morning & evening time Chandigarh-Delhi Shatabadi as well. For the normal chair in the morning train, one has to pay Rs. 820 but in the evening one has to give away Rs. 915. Whereas for the executive chair car ticket for the journey in Shatabadi Express Rs 1215 & Rs 1305 in morning & evening respectively. And even it has been stated that the price surge may continue till month end.
Chandigarh Airport Closed for the month of May
In the month of April only, Chandigarh Airport authority announced the closure of Chandigarh International Airport for more than 15 days in the month of May. Now the airport has been closed from 12th to 31st May 2018 due to the renovation of the runway.