Engineering Colleges of Chandigarh have extended the last date of online registration for the year 2017 by seeing the huge response from the students for admission. After the declaration of Board and JEE Result 2017, students have rushed to the Engineering colleges in Chandigarh for admission. Taking into consideration of the limited seats and the huge rush of students, Engineering colleges based in Chandigarh have extended their last date of online registration for the session starting in the year 2017.
Earlier it was decided that the last day for online registration for admission in Chandigarh Engineering Colleges will be 22nd June 2017. Also, the candidates of sports quota can also register till 30 June 2017. in any of the engineering colleges of the city.
Mission Admission 2017 in Chandigarh Engineering Colleges
City-based engineering colleges have received as many as 8865 numbers of applications online against of just 1999 seats. Not only this but around 6591 students have also paid their fee for the admission purpose in the engineering college for the session 2017-18.
- Last date for online registration: 30 June 2017
- Date of counselling: starts from 12 July 2017
According to reports, last year 9500 students registered online, out of which 8000 students had paid the fee as well. Out of the 1999 seats available for aspiring engineering students in Chandigarh for 2017 admission, 40 seats are of Chandigarh College of Architecture as well.
No. of Seats Available in Engineering Colleges, Chandigarh
Engineering Colleges of Chandigarh has strict their rules regarding the admission process from 2017. Colleges will not consider Class 12 board result, the admission will be purely granted by the colleges on the basis of JEE score of the candidate. Check out the seats available in each college for engineering in Chandigarh.
- PEC, Chandigarh- 667 seats
- Chandigarh College of Engineering & Technology (CCET)- 252 seats
- UIET- 585 seats
- UICET- 195 seats
- UIET Hoshiarpur- 260 seats
Along with the JEE score, the student must clear their Class 12 exam with at least 60% (general category) and 55% (SC/ST/OBC & differently abled person) for the 2017 admission in any of the Engineering Colleges of Chandigarh. Colleges will conduct 4 round of counselling for students seeking admission in Engineering courses in Chandigarh from 12th of July 2017.
Students seeking admission in any of the Engineering Colleges in Chandigarh are requested to go through the official website of the college for further information.
Source: The Tribune
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