Chandigarh to Delhi in 2 Hours | Indian Railways planning to Upgrade Shatabdi

The news came out that the state-owned French Rail company on this Monday has submitted the request for the upgrading of the Shatabdi running between Delhi-Chandigarh. The project that is submitted by this rail company stands on improving the features and upgrading the engine to result in the faster speed and lower the time consumption.

Chandigarh-Delhi Shatabdi to Upgrade 

According to the latest railway news flashing since Monday, it has come to light that the state-owned French rail company has submitted a proposal to the railway department for the upgrading of the Shatabdi operating between Chandigarh and Delhi. The proposed project has some interesting upgrading options for the Shatabdi that will enhance the performance of the train by reducing the time by an hour and 30 minutes.

If passed, this 245-Km corridor project will become the first semi-high speed venture in the history of Indian Railways. Under this proposal, the French rail company assures that they can bring forth the era of semi-high speed trains in India. With this project, the trains will get the maximum speed of 200 Kmph.

Coming to the full report, France’s state-owned rail company started their analysis in January 2016. It was just 2 days back when the company submitted the final 1500-page report to the Railways department. This company began this analysis and report preparation with the consent of the railway board. After the complete analysis, the report was presented to the rail board claiming some of the magnificent changes in the Shatabdi that will reduce the travel time by an hour and 30 min between Chandigarh and Delhi.

The estimated cost of the project was stated to be Rs. 10,000 Crore and the figure can still vary. The project is still under analysis by the railway board and it has been said that once, the project is approved the work will begin by the January 2018. This revolutionary project will turn the next page in the history of the Indian Railways.

The Delhi-Chandigarh Shatabdi that was traveling at the speed of 110Km/h after the upgrading will run at 200Km/h speed reducing the travel time by an hour and 30 min. It is quite possible that by the end of the next year the Shatabdi will help people to cover the distance between Chandigarh-Delhi in just 2 hours.

Source – Zee News 


Vaishali Sonik

Vaishali.M.Sonik is a passionate writer, who loves to explore and create awareness among people around her. With the ulterior motto of spreading her words around the world to make a difference, Vaishali turned her entire career around from being a graduate to becoming a full-time writer. Believing in the major principles of hard work and growth, she is paving her path towards being known. Vaishali Sonik says that " There are loads of de-motivations but finding the one right motivation can help you achieve what you desire, It might delay but will never fade". You can reach Vaishali at
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