Termed as yet another achievement, the city of Chandigarh has bagged the top award for excellent work done under Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojna (Prime Ministers’s People Money Scheme). The award was given by Prime Minister Narendra Modi to Ajit Balaji Joshi, DC of Chandigarh at New Delhi on the occasion of Civil Services Day.
What is PM’s Jan Dhan Yojna
Pradhan Mantri Jan Dhan Yojna also called as Prime Minister People Money Scheme in English is an initiative from the government where the citizens are given access to banking & financial services. The government helps people open bank accounts in leading banks so taht they can save money, earn interest and also have access to other financial services like insurance, credit, loan etc.
How Chandigarh got PM’s Jan Dhan Yojna Award
Under the Jan Dhan Yojna, Chandigarh has achieved the target of at least one bank account per household within 7 months after the scheme was launched.
- A total of 2,22,853 accounts were opened under the scheme in Chandigarh.
- Out of these, 1,99,196 accounts were successfully seeded with Aadhaar card.
- A total amount of Rs. 59 crore was deposited under PMJDY.
All this was achieved in very little time. Chandigarh administration had taken up special initiatives to implement this scheme in Chandigarh. Special counters were set up at DC office, SDM office and Estate office for the public where information was provided to the public and they were enrolled into the scheme.
Apart from this, over 1,82,414 RuPay cards were issued to people in Chandigarh. These are special debit cards which can be used at a wide ATM network in India and for online transactions. RuPay cards have lower processing fee & transaction cost.
The PM Jan Dhan Yojna award for Chandigarh has made the residents feel proud. This not only shows how our local government treats these schemes for the city residents but also shows how they are implemented for the benefit of Chandigarh residents.
Image Credits: First Post