Chandigarh Announces New Liquor Rates (2017) | An Increase of 10-15%

Booze lovers in Chandigarh will have to shell out more money for buying Alcohol. First Liquor ban and now a 15-20% increase in the prices of liquor. The increase in the rates of liquor will differ from brand to brand.

The Department of Excise and Taxation has approved the EDP (ex-distillery price) of different brands which were proposed by the companies.

Liquor Prices in Chandigarh Increased

The increase in the liquor rates will be according to the brands. There will be a 10% increase in some brands and for other brands, the increase will be between 15-20%.

As per the sources, when the labels of the liquor would be the approved the supply of liquor would be started with the new rates.

As per the new policy, at the time of submission of labels for approval, the wholesalers will have to submit the EDP (ex-distillery price). Last year’s rate of EDP in Chandigarh and also in Chandigarh’s neighbouring states have been kept in mind and the rate of EDP has been approved. The liquor rates in Chandigarh are still less than those in Punjab.

As per sources, an officer in the excise department said that most of the liquor rates have been kept at par with the Punjab’s EDP which was fixed last year. The department has made a maximum increase in the top liquor brands whereas the rate of the country liquor has been reduced.

No Change In Beer Rates

The retailers will not be allowed to sell liquor below the minimum prices set by the excise department. The department has not changed the beer rates this year because they want to encourage people to low alcohol content beverages instead of high alcohol content beverages.

The Administration has also increased the license fee of Indian made foreign liquor and imported foreign liquor. This year they have also increased the license fee for various liquor licenses in the policy.

Good News For The Owners Of Liquor Godowns

Good news for the godown owners as the commissioner of Excise and Taxation Commissioner said that the owners of the liquor godowns will not face any discrimination as while their permission was being renewed. The commissioner had scheduled a meeting with the owners of the liquor godowns. 

A lot of liquor godown owners did not get their liquor license after the sale of liquor was banned within 500 meters of the national or state highway. Two more owners of the beer godowns who have shifted to new locations have been issued liquor licenses on Wednesday by the excise department.

Source: The Tribune

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Tushar Pasrija

Tushar Pasrija is a digital marketer, public speaker and globetrotter who loves reading autobiographies and thrillers. He is passionate about wildlife and landscape photography. You may reach Tushar at
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