Chandigarh Railway Station to Soon Get A Baggage Checking Machine

Chandigarh Railway Station is all set to get much-awaited Baggage checking machine soon. The Railway station of Chandigarh has been waiting for the Baggage checking machine since long. Now the station is all set to get the same very soon. Higher authorities have approved the installation of the same and the work for the same will start soon at Chandigarh Station.

Recently it has been reported that Chandigarh Railway station will soon get a new look. The work for the same will soon be seen at the railway station. Check out what’s new coming up at the railway station of city beautiful Chandigarh below.

Chandigarh Railway Station to get Baggage Checking Machine Soon

Chandigarh Railway Station has been awaiting for the installation of Baggage checking machine. Now the higher authorities have given the green signal for it and soon passengers will get to see it soon. Although a single baggage checking machine has been approved to be installed at Chandigarh Railway Station. As per the reports, a total of 3 machines were sanctioned for the Ambala division, out of which 1 will be installed at Chandigarh Railway Station.

Further, it has been reported that within two months the machine would be installed at the station. Also, it has been out that may b the same will be installed at Panchkula side of the Chandigarh Railway Station. So now be ready to get security similar to the Airport at Chandigarh Railway Station as well very soon.

Know more upcoming Changes in Chandigarh Railway Station

Not only the baggage checking machine but the railway station will also get a new look soon. Recently it was reported that Chandigarh Railway Station will soon get a new look. As per the reports, a total of Rs. 135 crore budget has been proposed for the renovation of the station. According to it, 12 escalators, 6 elevators, 2 subways have been proposed for the makeover of the same.

Even the price of the platform tickets is expected to increase and one has to pay Rs. 50 for the same after the makeover of the Station. Also, 6 air composed platform with waiting rooms and banks will come up soon. Although this will take time, as per security purpose, Chandigarh Railway Station will get a baggage checking machine in just 2 months.


Gurjit Kaur

Gurjit Kaur is a young and vibrant writer, who is passionate about media. Having done her MBA in media management, Gurjit loves to weave words in simple yet an elegant form. Her love for Chandigarh and the belief that "content is king" makes her an author on Chandigarh Metro. You may reach Gurjit at
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