Chandigarh is going to upgrade its exclusive shooting arena in the city Patiala-ki-Rao with a 300m shooting range by the end of the year 2017. The Chandigarh Administration is working on the range swiftly and half of the construction work is complete. The budding shooters will not have to go outside the city to practice shooting after the 300m shooting range will be developed at the Patiala-ki-Rao arena.
The new range will also give a platform to the trainee policemen to practice shooting fundamentally. The new 300m shooting range in Chandigarh would be the second one in the North India. The 300m shooting range at the Patiala-ki-Rao was inaugurated in the year 2013 by the Punjab Governor Shivraj V.Patil but the construction work never caught pace.
The 300m Shooting Range – Chandigarh
The first 300m shooting range was built at the CRPF Shooting Arena in Gurugram in North India and now the region will have a second 300m range at Patiala-ki-Rao arena in Chandigarh as well. Many youngsters aspire to become professional shooters in our city but do not get adequate training or training facility in the area and have to travel long distance to practice the sport. The new range will not only benefit the aspiring shooters but also the BSF, ITP, CRPF and Army jawaans who have go to Gurugram to get training in shooting.
- The new 300m range in Chandigarh will be equipped with modern and hi-tech weapons
- Weapon simulators will be installed fro ease of practice
- The cost of practice will be cut down
- The range would be efficient enough to impart professional skills
- Provisions would be made for safety of the practitioners
- The range will be made appropriate enough for both professional players as well as police personnel
About Patiala-ki-Rao Shooting Range, Chandigarh
The Patiala-Ki-Rao shooting range is situated in Sector 25 of Chandigarh and is only shooting range of the city. The range was completed in the year 2013 and about Rs 3.16 crore of funds were put up in its establishment. In total the shooting arena has 300m, 50m and 500m shooting ranges and most of them are manual. The government is providing sufficient funds to the administration to make the range as modern and hi tech as possible for the practitioners at present.
Source: TOI
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