Chandigarh is synonym with food and food lovers. People here believe in enjoying thandi beer with tandoori chicken that goes best together. But lately, it is seen that the sale of chicken has declined in the city beautiful after the liquor ban at restaurants, pubs and hotel located within the periphery of 5 meters of the national and state highways.
Since the Supreme Court (SC) had given the order of banning liquor across India, the demand for chicken in the market has also tottered. Though the price of raw chicken has not come down in the market and has remained to Rs 200 per kilogramme till date the amount of supply has gone down at the Chandigarh- based hotels and restaurants that have been slapped with the order of liquor ban by the SC.
How is liquor ban affecting chicken sale in Chandigarh
Currently, the poultry farms located in the adjoining areas of Chandigarh are witnessing the downfall in the supply of chicken as well as their eggs to the hotels and restaurants than before. Earlier, if anyone was demanding 50 kgs of chicken is now taking 20 or 30 kgs of it. The hotel and restaurants say that the customers coming to have drinks also orders for the chicken to eat. Now, due to liquor ban, less number of people come to their restaurant and hotel which indirectly hampers the consumption of chicken all together.
Another reason for dipping of chicken sale in Chandigarh
Other than liquor ban, the sale of chicken is also dropping in Chandigarh due to the hot summer season. People during summers prefer to eat less of non-veg as it creates more of acidity and toxins in the body pumping the level of uric acid in the blood. Instead of chicken, people in Chandigarh are preferring to eat green vegetables and seasonal fruits as they are cheaper, healthier and nutritional in value.
In a bid to overcome the number of losing customers in the restaurant and hotels, the owners are now giving deals and discounts to them. But does these tactics of increasing footfall will actually help in increasing the sale of chicken without liquor in Chandigarh? Well, the question remains unanswered until a report based on survey comes up about Chandigarh and its people’s preferences on liquor ban and its effects.
Source: timesofindia.indiatimes.com
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