Following the footsteps of Delhi government, Chandigarh Municipal Corporation has finally decided to levy a green entry tax on the commercial vehicles entering Chandigarh.The proposal was forwarded and approved by the UT Administration to impose such a tax on various grounds. The administration aims to achieve more than just a financial benefit from the same including keeping a track of the number and type of vehicles entering Chandigarh.
Introducing a minimum tax of INR 100 on per entry of a private taxi, MC is not very pocket friendly for those who trade within the city. Though mercy is showered on those who enter the city often by introducing monthly pass facility to be availed by them.
Green Tax Rates for Entering Chandigarh
Type of Vehicle Tax per entry Monthly pass
- Taxi, Tempo, Tata-407 INR 100 INR 3000
- Bus, Truck, Canters INR 200 INR 6000
- Six wheel truck INR 400 INR 12000
- Ten wheel truck INR 800 INR 24000
- 14 & above wheel truck INR 2000 INR 60000
Why is the Tax Imposed
Municipal Corporation has turned smarter to generate more revenue for its department. Earlier a few services were provided by the department free of cost which even included issuing an NOC on Fire Safety to commercial buildings like Fuel Stations, Hospitals, Malls, Cinema Halls, Gas Agencies, multiplex buildings etc for which now it would charge INR 5000. If commercial buildings are under their scrutiny, how could vehicles belong to the same category be left unnoticed?
So, here are the reasons as to why these taxes are levied:
- Financial Crisis
- Smarter governance
- Keep count on number of vehicles entering the city
- Track the type of commercial vehicles
- Generate Revenue for the government
- Increased effectiveness of survey work
- Carry out developmental works in the city
Smart Governance
We were aware of e-governance but this decision has coined the term smart governance in the city. Commissioner, B Purushartha stated the facts and didn’t shy away from disclosing these financial matters to media sources. According to him, MC on being allotted INR 419 crores by the administration suffers a shortage of 31 crores every year after allocating 100 crores to smart city project and 50 crores to Kajauli water works along with paying off 300 crores as salaries for which only 269 crores are left.
Targeting to beat this financial crunch suffered by MC along with keeping a track of number and type of commercial vehicles entering Chandigarh which earlier had no authentic data collection method, MC has invited Expressions of Interest from various firms to come forth to conduct the survey.
The insights and technicalities in its implementation await a meeting to be scheduled soon by the authorities. Meanwhile, let us get one fact straight that entering Chandigarh now would definitely burn your pocket !!
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