Taj Chandigarh is a 5 star hotel located near Matka Chownk in Sector 17, Chandigarh. If you are from Chandigarh then you might be knowing that Hotel Taj is the first 5 star hotel which came to the city beautiful – Chandigarh. You might have seen the hotel building from outside while crossing Matka Chownk. In these post, we have compiled some pictures to show you the real beauty of Taj Hotel Chandigarh both from outside as well as inside.
Swimming Pool at Taj Chandigarh
The swimming pool is one of the major attractions of a 5 star hotel. At Taj Chandigarh, the swimming pool has been built in an open terrace area on the first floor. Sitting by the pool in natural air gives an amazing feeling. If you are not in a mood of going inside the water, you can still enjoy a drink while sitting by the pool side.
Horse Sculpture in Lobby

This bronze coloured horse sculpture is placed in the lobby of Hotel Taj Chandigarh. The sculpture is of the actual size of a horse and is placed on the right hand side in the main lobby. You’ll see it as soon as you enter the hotel.
Lawa Bar at Hotel Taj Chandigarh

Hotel Taj Chandigarh has a special bar by the name Lawa. The interior of the bar is fabulous with bright colours all around.
Cafe 17 at Taj Chandigarh

Cafe 17 is situated on the ground floor with the view of the pool on the backside. This restaurant cum cafe is known for its lavish food. The prices are not too high and anyone can come and have breakfast, lunch or dinner over here at Taj Chandigarh.
Lobby Area

This is the lobby on the ground floor. On the back side there is a pool but this pool is not used for swimming or other purposes.
World class 5 star hotel chain – JW Marriott came to Chandigarh in the year since then it has given a very tough competition to Taj Chandigarh. If we talk about 5 star hotels in Chandigarh then JW Marriott ranks at 1st position followed by Hotel Taj and Hotel Lalit respectively.
We’ll soon visit some other hotels in Chandigarh to give you a peek inside them. Wait for our next posts 🙂
In the meantime – Check out – Glimpse of all the 5 star hotels in Chandigarh.