After the announcement of ‘Digital India’ movement, most of the processes in India are going online. Chandigarh Administration has decided to make the allotment of Government houses under Chandigarh Administration General Pool (CAGP) online. The administration has launched e-Awas, in which the government employee can submit an online application for his/her allotment of a house in Chandigarh. This initiative has been taken by the administration to make it easy for their employee to choose their houses and make it all fair for them.
Process of Application
The whole procedure for the allotment of the houses will be carried out by the bidding system. And the allotment will be done on seniority basis.
- Eligible applicants, who are on the seniority list can submit a maximum of 3 options.
- The allotment will be made to the senior most applicant as per their bids according to the seniority.
- If the applicant has not been allotted the house, then he/she can submit their application again in the next month.
- All the applications forms will be examined by the House Allotment Committee of Chandigarh.
After the examination of all the application, every month the bid will be held by the CAGP and the information will also be uploaded on their official website for the same.
Official Website:
Highlights of the initiative
Chandigarh Administration is all set to go digital by making all of its processes online. Even the officers of Chandigarh Administration, representatives of Punjab government, Haryana government, Punjab And Haryana High Court have been trained by the NIC professionals for the e-Awas project.
- The bid of the houses will be held every month.
- Incomplete forms will be rejected by the committee and the fresh application has to be submitted by the applicants.
- Every month the seniority list will be updated on the official website.
- Even the vacant houses list will also be updated on the official website.
- No written request for the allotment of a particular house will be considered by the committee.
- Confirmation of the allotment of houses to the successful applicant will be made through SMS.
E- Awas is expected to run successfully in Government offices and it will also save the time of the government employee to run for their houses. With this project, we can also expect some more new project by the Chandigarh Administration.