In one of the major step taken post demonetization, Chandigarh Health Department has now made the OPD (Out Patient Department) registration in all the Government Hospitals of Chandigarh absolutely free. Earlier, patients had to pay Rs. 2 as a registration fee for the OPD. But from now onwards the OPD registration fee has been made free in Government Multi Speciality Hospital (GMSH) Sector 16, civil hospitals of Manimajra, Sector 22 and Sector 45 and other dispensaries in Chandigarh with immediate effect.
Why this decision?
Chandigarh Health Department has taken the decision by taking many things into consideration. Everyday more than 7000 people use to visit different Government Hospitals and dispensaries in Chandigarh. Making it easy for the patients and to reduce the waiting time of the patients on the registration area, the decision has been made. Some factors that led to this decision include:
- To support the project of cashless city.
- Hospitals were not earning any revenue by charging Rs. 2 from patients.
- Make it easy for the patients to not to wait for change.
- To reduce the queues on the registration table.
After demonetization, almost everyone in Chandigarh was facing the issue of cash and change. Chandigarh Administration has also trying to make the city go cashless with either of some new initiatives. This decision is also a part of the project to make Chandigarh go cashless.
Benefits of the decision
Registration fee in every Govt hospital of Chandigarh has been waived off. And the decision has been taken to facilitate the patients. Although this decision will surely be very much beneficial for the patients of Chandigarh.
It seems UT Health Department really cares for the patients in Government Hospitals in Chandigarh. And in coming years it will surely make some more good decisions to facilitate the patients to Government Hospitals.