In a shocking incident singer, actor, director Parmish Verma was shot at in Mohali in the intervening night. The Punjabi Singh and his friend were shot at in Mohali phase 8 last night. Both were immediately rushed to the Fortis hospital for treatment.
Singer Parmish Verma shot at in Mohali
It has been reported that director turned Punjabi singer Parmish Verma and his friend was returning home last night when they were shot at in Mohali. Both were rushed to the Fortis hospital for treatment. As per the latest information the bullet hit Parmish’s leg. He is currently undergoing treatment in the hospital.
The police have registered a case against the unknown but a major breakthrough in the case is yet to be made. The assailant reportedly fled the spot after shooting the duo. SSP Kuldeep Singh Chahal has stated that the case is being investigated and information about the case will be released soon. The singer is currently out of danger.
Baaki jo marzi hunda ho jave veere bass Gaal ni kadni
Parmish Verma’s song ‘Gaal ni Kadni‘ became a hit overnight and has already crossed 118 million views on Youtube. Parmish enjoys a huge fan following and is followed by youngsters for the unique beard style. The director-turned-singer has directed numerous hit songs including Sharry Mann’s hostel, Laake 3 Peg balliye, Mankirat Aulakh’s Jatt Da Blood, Daaru aale Keede and several other foot tapping chartbusters.
Parmish Verma has sung four songs so far including Aa ley chakk main aagaya, Kache Pakke Yaar, Shaunk naal Shada munda and the famous Gaal ni Kadni.
Punjabi gangster claims responsibility
A person, with Facebook profile name Dilpreet Singh Dhahan is claiming to be behind Parmish Verma’s shooting. The claimant, Dilpreet Singh Dhahan has uploaded a status on his Facebook profile claiming that he is behind the shooting. ,Dhahan has posted a picture of himself and another picture of Parmish Verma with a cross drawn in red colour on it. Dhahan is seen holding a pistol in his hand.
The status mentions “Mein Dilpreet Singh Dhahan sariya nu dasna chaunda k ajj Parmish Verma de goliya bazian apa mariya…” (I Dilpreet Singh Dhahan would like to inform everyone that we have shot Parmish Verma today). He has also threatened the singer of dire consequences in his post “Ajj apni puja chale tu bach geya maran toh agli vaar hun dekhde a kiwe bnndi” (Your life might have been saved this time around by the grace of God, will see you next time.)