In an astonishing rape incident in the Chandigarh city, a local court has sentenced five people for 10 years of imprisonment for being involved in the rape of a minor girl. Three out of total five convicts are women and we are totally losing faith in humanity. The three women have been involved in abducting and selling off the Chandigarh girl to a Mansa based man named Jeevan Singh.
What is the whole incident of a rape of minor in Chandigarh?
On September 19 last year a father had filed a complaint in the Police Station of Sector 34 Chandigarh when his daughter went missing. After much trouble the police was able to trace the girl on October 6, 2016 when an abandoned raped girl was reportedly found in Faidan village. After conducting the medical tests it was confirmed that the victim had been raped multiple times. The Chandigarh police then filed a complaint under respective sections of the Indian Penal Code.
The girl was abducted from Chandigarh by Babli with assistance from Abhishek and Liza. She was then forcefully married to Jeevan Singh with the help of Kuldeep Kaur who is also a Mansa resident. Jeevan Singh married her against her will and raped her repeatedly. The local court has fined the three women and Abhishek 5,000 Rupees and Jeevan Singh for 1,55,000 Rupees. The minor raped girl from Chandigarh will be paid 1.5 lakhs out of the fined amount.
The Rape of Minor Girl:
We at Chandigarh Metro are astonished after hearing the chilling rape news. The topic of ‘Male Mentality’ is one of the most argued in the Indian media right now but what comes as a shock here is that the women took part in such a crime against a minor girl in Chandigarh. Women have been at the receiving end of a lot of hostility in India in recent times and the rape cases are already on the rise. One would expect the women to understand this suffering but if they become a part of this then the security of women is a matter of great concern for the Chandigarh citizens.
Source: Tribune