According to the latest updates, it has been observed that the trains arriving in Chandigarh are being delayed from past three-four days. Total of 11 trains was accounted for the delay at Chandigarh Railway Station.
There are many accounts of delay in the trains from past few days and the problem is expected to continue for at least more 3-4 days.
11 Trains Delayed to Arrive At Chandigarh Railway Station
The news of the delayed trains spread when the New Delhi- Kalka Shatabdi Express [12011] was delayed by an hour and 18 minutes. This was not it, there are many cases since then of delay cultivating disappointment and impatient atmosphere among the passengers. After the Fare hike of the tickets, passengers are already unhappy and this delay is fueling the anger among them. After the delay was noticed for the New Delhi – Kalka Shatabdi Express [12011], another train from New Delhi, Himalayan Queen [14095] was 6 hours and 35 minutes late. This train was expected at 10:33 AM but reached the station late afternoon.
This delaying of trains in Chandigarh is a great problem and government should resolve this problem as soon as possible. With the festival season going on the ways of commutation are very crucial and they should be processed adequately. After the Himalayan Queen [14095] delayed for 6 hours and 35 minutes, another Himalayan Queen [14096] was delayed by 2 hours and 28 minutes.
The Problem of Delay of Trains in Chandigarh to Continue for 3-4 More Days
According to the sources, the word has come out that the delay problem is still going to pursue for 3-4 days. These delays are accounted due to the construction of the rake link and the issue will go on until that construction is complete. Also, as per the sources in Chandigarh railway department and Railway Chief, the workers are trying to complete the construction time, but there are some technical troubles that are delaying the construction.
In the light of these delays, passengers have grown real angry. If the railway’s department knew that the construction was delaying the trains, they should have conveyed that beforehand. This inconvenience is troubling every passenger and the department is working to complete the construction as quickly as possible still it has been declared that there will be no relief for coming 3-4 days in Chandigarh.