Vijay Kumar Dev, IAS officer from the 1987 batch has been appointed as the new UT Advisor to Chandigarh Administrator Shivraj Patil. Dev is 51 year old and was earlier serving as the Chief Electoral Officer (CEO) at New Delhi.
Dev called a short meeting at UT guest house just after his joining and he requested top officials to remove the tag of Punjab, Haryana and Chandigarh from their minds. He asked them to work for Chandigarh as a city and serve its residents.
After this one hour meeting, he did a brief chit-chat with media persons. Upon asking about the left behind metro project for Chandigarh, Dev said that Chandigarh needs a metro to deal with the increasing traffic and he assured that steps would be taken in this direction on a priority basis. Apart from the Chandigarh Metro Project, there are a lot of other pending issues which need immediate attention. Some of these issues include – Parking problems, housing schemes, traffic problems, building violations, public transport system and many more.
K.K. Sharma has now been appointed as additional secretary in the women and child development ministry at New Delhi.
Image Credits: Chandigarh Public Relations Department