A 17 year old boy from New Delhi has been killed after an auto overturned in Sector 38, Chandigarh. The incident took place around 7 AM on Wednesday morning, when Manoj (victim) and 2 of his relatives were going to get mattresses for the guests. The victim along with his relatives hired an auto for the same. Auto driver was driving rashly due to which he failed to control the speed of the auto at the turn of the opposite of Sitlas mata mandir in Sector 38. After which the vehicle overturned and Manoj got badly injured in the accident. A passerby informed the PCR, Manoj was rushed to PGIMER but he was declared brought dead by the doctors.
A case has been registered against the auto driver, following which the auto driver has been arrested and was later released on bail.
An Auto incident That happened last week:
A week ago, an auto driver tried to kidnap a women constable serving Chandigarh traffic police. According to the incident, Sadhna (traffic constable) who was stationed in Sector 26 grain market chowk on Madhya Marg tried to stop an over loaded auto, who tried to jump the traffic lights. She tried to stop the auto rickshaw but the auto driver didn’t stop. After seeing the attitude of the auto driver, she jumped into the auto to stop him, but still he continued with his speed. She connected to the PCR from inside the auto and the police successfully intercepted it in Sector 20, Chandigarh.
A Chandigarh Police Women Cop Got Kidnapped in an Auto While On Duty
Another Auto Incident that happened last month
Last month also an auto driver left the city shaken with his action. On the eve of 12th December 2016, an auto driver along with his accomplice gang-raped a 21 year girl in the forest area in Sector 29 at knife point. The incident took place, when the victim hired an auto from Sector 34 and 21 dividing road on Dakshin Marg to get back to her home in Hallo Majra from her work.
Shocking Rape Incident Reported in Chandigarh & It’s Too Bad
Auto and the auto drivers in the city beautiful Chandigarh is not at all safe for the residents. Everyday one or the other case of the autos have been highlighting in the city that is disturbing the safety of Chandigarh.