Indian Cricketer Suresh Raina with his wife Priyanka visited Chandigarh’s famous PGI hospital to spend quality time with children at the hospital as a part of the great initiative taken up by NGO “Nanhi Jaan” in Chandigarh on Saturday.
Non Governmental organisations like Nanhi Jaan which works incessantly for the welfare of children at Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research (PGIMER) organised the event wherein Suresh Raina was invited to interact with the young kids to boost up their morale.
Suresh Raina & Wife Priyanka at PGI, Chandigarh
Cricketer Suresh Raina along with Priyanka, his wife spent time with children undergoing treatment at PGI, Chandigarh. In the Advanced Paediatrics Centre (APC) of PGI, Chandigarh, the young patients interacted with the cricketer and were elated on seeing him. The young fan following of Suresh moved him and his wife who feels that the occasion meant a lot to them as they always have heard about the initiatives taken up by NGO “Nanhi Jaan” but never were a part of it.
Enthusiastic and elated young fans had a sigh of relief from the “hospital atmosphere” which is usually quite intense when they met the famous cricketer who had come to cheer them up by distributing toys amongst the children and interacting with their parents.
About “Nanhi Jaan” in Chandigarh
The Chandigarh based non-governmental organisation “Nanhi Jaan” has been in place for past seven years in the city which caters to the welfare and needs of the young children basically in two sectors of development healthcare and education. Here’s what all one needs to know about NGO “Nanhi Jaan” in Chandigarh.
- Started 7 years ago with an aim to cater to the needs of children in education and healthcare sector
- Adopted three government hospitals of the city including PGIMER to give its services
- Raising awareness about spending quality time with children and motivating them for the same
- Volunteers take care of children from 2 pm to 5 pm daily at APC, PGI, Chandigarh
- Catering to around 30-40 kids of the hospital in spreading smiles among woes
New Foundation launch by Suresh Raina & Wife Priyanka
Taking up the initiative to another level, Suresh Raina and Priyanka aim together at launching a new foundation hat would take care of mentally retarded and challenged students and pregnant women simultaneously. The foundation would run on the footsteps like other NGOs and would be launched on the auspicious occasion of Raina’s daughter Gracia’s first birthday which is on May 15, 2017.
The great move taken up by the NGO and Raina’s presence at the PGI infilled enthusiasm and vigour in many young patients who were ailing with their impeding treatments at the hospital. Such “out of the box” thinking and initiatives win our hearts and we love what this NGO is doing for our kids in Chandigarh.
Source: HT
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